The personalization of online shopping is by no means a new concept. However, it is something that is evolving tremendously. Any business that creates a strategy to enhance the personalized shopping experience is sure to reap great rewards and greater opportunities to succeed in the e-commerce landscape.
Most customers now expect personalization when making an online purchase. Currently, users have started to see this as an additional and standard service, appreciating receiving special offers. E-commerce personalization allows you to treat each of your customers as a VIP user. And when customers feel like VIPs, they are more likely to remain loyal to your brand.
Keeping customers happy requires being able to provide them with a seamless customer service experience as well as a personalized shopping experience. But how can you offer personalized assistance to customers in your online store?
Stay here and find out how to do it!
Ask and use your customers’ names
Chances are you already know and have the names of your existing customers, so you shouldn’t hesitate to use them. But what about new customers? You should ask them and capture their data. This way, customer service agents can greet them without any problem, whether by email, phone, or live chat.
This is a very simple thing to do, but quite effective. Knowing someone’s name is the first step in building relationships. In addition, customers will feel better being called by their name than by a generic marker like ‘customer12345.’
Be as kind and human as possible
In addition to knowing your customers’ names, your conversations with them should be as if you were talking to a family member or a friend. Do not overlook the subtleties and do not miss the opportunity to convert, especially in those conversations where the interaction becomes more complicated, showing a positive experience.
When the conversation becomes more humanized, it is easier for customers to feel that you are focusing on them and the problems they have as normal people. In addition, being positive and kind greatly helps to delight consumers.
Train your support agents to serve and sell
Documentation, as well as prepared responses, can be a great guide in interacting with customers. However, it is also essential that your customer support agents have the right tools to deviate a bit from this script, making each conversation they have with the customer their own.
In addition to having that human touch that was already mentioned, this allows agents to have more flexibility to adapt the conversation with the customer. In turn, the conversation will feel much more real, since the agent will have the opportunity and the power to control it.
Training your agents with a sales and negotiation simulator is an excellent option. Such simulators allow your agents to improve their skills to sell more while providing adequate customer service.
Get feedback from your customers
One of the best ways to show customers that you value them as people is by asking for their opinion on how well your e-commerce store meets their needs and how it can be improved. Surveys are ideal tools for getting this type of information.
A great platform, with which you can create these types of surveys, is thanks to Shopify’s applications. With them, you can request feedback from your customers, giving you the opportunity to know what they say about you. Implementing these types of survey applications is one of the best ways to offer personalized assistance to the user.
Collect your customers’ data and leverage it
You may not know it, but you have already collected more customer data than you can imagine, so use it and benefit from it. Get to know your customers’ purchasing behaviors and browsing habits so that you can tailor communications to their specific interests.
For this, it is recommended that you do not make use of guesswork in the interactions you have with users. You can use this data to offer informed product recommendations or send certain communications, depending on each customer’s preferences.
Provide a VIP experience to your best customers
Show your best customers that you appreciate them. Why? Because they are the best. You can offer them special discounts or gifts as regular buyers. Another idea is to show them that you care about them by offering them exclusive access to new products.
Benefits are an excellent option to keep consumers engaged and happy with your business.
Build a seamless omnichannel experience
The reality now is that customers want to be able to access products and services through multiple platforms. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible to make it easy for them, while maintaining the user experience.
When a customer accesses a single profile, regardless of the channel they are using, it means that the customer service process will not have to be restarted or repeated for the same inconvenience, avoiding customer frustration.
Use technology to your advantage
There are many ways you can use technology to offer the most personalized customer service experience possible. For example, you can achieve this through a Shopify chatbot, which is an automated tool that responds to common customer inquiries or questions.
In this article that we published a few days ago, it can help you in the implementation.
One of the fundamental principles in customer service is speed. Thanks to the automated technology of chatbots, you can help your support team address a larger volume of requests from individual customers in a much more effective and faster way.
Be as personal as possible with your customers
Personalized customer service is one of the key success strategies for any business. When you take the time to get to know your customers and provide them with solutions that are personalized to meet their needs, you can create a strong user base that will likely return to your online store more often.
Whatever the solution to providing personalized assistance, the key to everything is focusing on the customer. The messages you select and the offers you send to consumers have to be truly useful for them. Therefore, provide value in your communication, avoid being dismissed as spam, make a difference, and gain a loyal customer.